Besides the certifications, courses and experience listed below I am currently undertaking two different behavior courses and I aim to keep updated on canine behavior and training through continued professional development via conferences, shadowing other trainers and seminars etc.

AIM Qualification Level 5 Diploma for Canine Behaviour Practitioners, The DoGenius Institute.

The Behaviour Bible, The School of Canine Science.


Victoria Stilwell Academy Certified Dog Trainer (VSA-CDT).

Certified Separation Anxiety Pro Behavior Consultant (CSAP-BC).


AIM Qualification Level 3 Diploma in Canine Care, Behaviour and Welfare, The DoGenius Institute.

Puppy Lab (advanced knowledge on all things puppy incl. puppy classes), The School of Canine Sciences.

ACE Module 1, Animal Centred Education, Sarah Fisher.

Fundamentals of Dog Training & Behavior, Victoria Stilwell Academy.

How to be a good pet neighbor; Online course at Victoria Stilwell Academy.

How to build your dog’s confidence; Online course at Victoria Stilwell Academy.

Hundeholderkursus 1 (basic care of dogs and puppies), The Danish Kennel Club.

Basic Nosework (Grundlæggende Nosework), The Danish Kennel Club.

Conferences and webinars:

Celebrating Life Together, Pet Professional Guild, 2024.

Success with Impulsive Dogs 2024, Lighten Up Dog Training.

Interactive Play Workshop, Craig Ogilvie, (February 2024).

Frustration Masterclass 2023, Lighten Up Dog Training.

Managing the Reactive Dog, The DoGenius Institute, 2023.

Dog Behaviour Conference, Victoria Stilwell Academy. 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.

Lemonade Conference, presented by Fenzi Dog Sports Academy with International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers and Karen Pryor Academy. 2022.

Denise Fenzi, The Fenzi method: Cutting Corners to Loose Lead Walking, Fenzi Dog Sports Academy

Denise Fenzi, Denise Fenzi’s Circle Method for Basic Reactivity and Over Arousal, Fenzi Dog Sports Academy

Leslie McDevitt, Silence is Golden, Fenzi Dog Sports Academy

Nosework Seminar (online); Fenzi Dog Sports Academy

Other experience:

Faculty Member at Julie Naismith’s course for Separation Anxiety Pro Behavior Consultants. (2024 – )

Shadowing Adam Daines (seen on Channel 4’s ‘The Dog Academy’) of Avon Dog Services on Reactivity Classes and presenting on life skills classes on Separation Anxiety prevention. 2023 – 2024

Dog Trainer with Cotswold Hound: group classes, 1-2-1 sessions, walk and train (July 2022 – February 2024)

Dog walker, trainer and adoption counselor (rehoming), Canine Rescue of Central Pennsylvania, USA (2020 – 2021)

IGP and obedience training with own German Shepherds since 2014.


The UK Dog Behaviour and Training Charter

Pet Professional Network

Links to the different schools where I have trained:

Lighten Up Dog Training